Broker Tips

At Denim, we’ve made it our mission to help brokers simplify their back office operations and give them more time to run their business.

Ultimate Guide to Factoring for Freight Brokerages

Unlock the benefits of freight factoring with our comprehensive guide tailored for freight brokers. Discover how this financial strategy can optimize your operations, increase your cash flow, and keep your logistics business thriving.

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The Ultimate Guide to Streamlined Freight Broker Back-Office Operations

Scaling your brokerage starts with a streamlined back-office.

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3 Steps to Reduce Calls from Carrier Factoring Companies

Consistent freight payments at net-30 days are your secret weapon to silencing carrier factoring calls.

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3 Tips to Building Credit with Carrier Factoring Companies

Build credit with carrier factoring companies with these tried & true tips.

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10 Must-Ask Questions to Find the Best Fleet Factoring Company

Deciding on a fleet factoring company? Ask these revealing questions.

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5 Effective Strategies to Streamline Carrier Onboarding

Improve your carrier onboarding process with these strategies to ensure efficiency and build strong relationships. Learn how to streamline, verify, and integrate for success.

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How 3 Freight Brokerages Avoided Back-Office Hires with Factoring Integrations

Learn how Denim's factoring and payment integrations helped 3 freight brokerages automate, save time, and scale without adding staff.

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The Ultimate Guide to Freight Broker Software

Software is your friend, not foe. Discover the best freight broker technology stack to streamline operations, boost efficiency, and improve margins.

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3 Best Load Boards for Freight Brokers

Discover the top 3 load boards for freight brokers. Find carriers, boost business, and gain market insights effortlessly

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Streamlining Freight Brokerage Operations: Mastering Software Integrations for Efficiency and Growth

Learn how freight tech integrations streamline operations, save time, and boost efficiency for modern brokerages. Maximize your potential now!

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Essential TMS Integrations for Freight Broker Operations

Maximize brokerage efficiency with essential TMS integrations, reducing admin tasks and enhancing sales team performance.

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Unmasking Double Brokers: Tips to Protect Your Brokerage

Double brokers costs the logistics industry $500 - $700 million annually. Don't be a part of the statistic. Protect your freight brokerage with expert tips and stand strong.

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4 Ways to Combat Shrinking Freight Brokerage Margins

Boost your brokerage's margins despite economic uncertainties with easy-to-implement strategies for efficiency and growth.

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What is a Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement for a Freight Brokerage?

A Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement is a tool used by freight brokerages of every size to monitor and understand the financial health of your business. Find out what should be in yours.

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Freight Factoring vs. Line of Credit [and which is best right now]

Compare Line of Credit vs. Freight Factoring in the high interest rate environment of 2024. Which is best for your business now? The answer might surprise you.

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7 Alternatives to Non-Recourse Factoring For 2024

Explore top alternatives to non-recourse freight factoring for 2024. Improve cash flow, reduce risks, and grow your business efficiently.

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