Denim CEO on the Perfectly Boring Podcast

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Freight Finance with Bharath Krishnamoorthy, CEO of Denim

Jason and Will are joined by Bharath Krishnamoorthy Founder/CEO of Denim to talk about the perfectly boring world of freight intermediaries and invoice factoring. Jason has some background in the business, and has worked with “B” before, which lends to a conversation with more credence and depth. The industry is a multi-trillion dollar industry that, for all intent and purposes, essentially exists in pen, and on paper. Bharath and his company are changing that, and bringing this literally rusty industry into the digital space.

Listen Now if you’re interested in learning more about how Denim can help grow your credit and help build your business, we’d love to talk.

Boost Your Business Through Cold Calling

Boost Your Business Through Cold Calling

Implement these expert cold calling strategies and see your business opportunities multiply.

Freight Brokerage Growth Guide: Strategies for Success

Freight Brokerage Growth Guide: Strategies for Success

Begin with a growth mindset and harness these expert strategies to elevate your freight brokerage.

Freight Finance Planning Quickstart Guide

Freight Finance Planning Quickstart Guide

Growing your brokerage begins with a solid financial plan. This guide will show you how to write a financial plan that sets you up for success.

Shipper Credit Evaluation: A Risk Assessment Checklist

Shipper Credit Evaluation: A Risk Assessment Checklist

Don’t get blindsided by inadequate credit limits. Collaborate with your factoring company to accurately assess your shippers' risk using our essential checklist.

How to Stop Working Off Shipper Lists Guide

How to Stop Working Off Shipper Lists Guide

Accessorial Charges Pricing Handout

Accessorial Charges Pricing Handout

Ensure you and your carriers are always on the same page. Share this accessorial charges pricing sheet with your carriers before moving a load to avoid any surprises.

Freight Factoring Scorecard: Making the Decision to Switch

Freight Factoring Scorecard: Making the Decision to Switch

Is your factoring provider the right fit? Use our scorecard to see if it's time for a change.

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Contact us to learn more and get detailed pricing.

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People looking at a projected computer screen in a board room meeting
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